PARIS - Churchs in Paris / Notre Dame Cathedral

by - 10:35 pm

Notre Dame by night
Gothic cathedrals and Art Deco designed churchs... All can be found in Paris. Variety is limitless. Most of them have stories, done by kings and religious people to prove victory and religious loyalty. Art can be seen all around. Very detailed figures on the façades of buildings, but especially churchs. An epic atmosphere is created by the view of all these architectural beauty. This is what Paris looks like. It makes you feel like you are wandering in the medival era, not in 2000s. Only people are ridiculous in this frame. As if all others are the true reality.

As I mentioned before, I preferred walking around to see the outsides of buildings and lovely streets before I get where I want to. This caused me to see loads of other churchs besides the ones I put on my list. But most probably you will not have much time to explore so many churchs in your limited time, so I picked up some of the most important churchs and I will include them in my blog.
Here we start with the most famous cathedral located in Paris...
Where to go: Notre Dame - Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris

How to get there: The cathedral is on the Île de la Cité area of the city (an island located on Seine, you can see on any Paris map) and the only Metro station on that area is 'Cité', so you can easily take the purple metro line from where you are and leave the metro when you get to the 'Cité' station. It's all that easy. After leaving the station, you will walk for maybe 5 minutes following the signs, and there you are!

Opening Hours: Between 8 AM-6.45 PM weekdays, 8 AM-7.15 PM on weekends. The cathedral is open everyday of the year. Entrance is free of charge.

Well-known singer Garou, roling the stooped
character from the famous musical
play Notre-Dame de Paris in French
History. 850 years of magnificence... Notre Dame is known as the oldest gothic cathedral of the times. Dedicated to Saint Stephen, the first stone of Notre-Dame was known as laid in 1163. The fact that gothic style was a new movement in that times, led the building to be built in a gothic style. The building experienced only four major constructions after this date.

`Notre-Dame`, in French, means "Our woman", which is used to describe Virgin Mary, and the cathedral owns his own name from her. The cathedral was just an ordinary building until author Victor Hugo wrote his epic novel "Notre Dame de Paris" and help the cathedral be a famous symbol of the medieval era of Paris. It is rather surprising that until that date the cathedral remained undiscovered in a way, because its huge size and magnificence mixed with the gothic beauty is just impossible to ignore.
A statue hanged up on the outside
Me inside the cathedral - sorry as it's too dark
Experiences. When you see the cathedral from the front side, you may say "Is this the famous Notre-Dame?", but believe me, it is worth getting inside to witness the great architectural details and magnificence. The beauty outside can be seen from the left and right sides of the building since the cathedral is huge when the visitors look from this angle.

Luckily I was visiting Notre Dame when there was a religious ceremony inside, and it touched me by heart though my religion is not Christianity. Perhaps that's why it impressed me, because it was the first time I was experiencing a ceremony in a cathedral.  The music playing was literally excellent. The priests holding the ceremony were great at their roles, circling around and mumbling to the audience in French. My family and I watched all the ceremony from the start and loved being in such an atmosphere. as I know these ceremonies are held a few times in a day, but to be honest, I am not sure fifty per cent.

As I am very interested in art history, I was unbelievably fascinated by the architectural perfection of the interior design in the cathedral; all the shady lights shining around, the high ceilings, detailed marquetry, epic music and magnificence of the art produced for Christianity with intense belief were all there.

Those who watched the movie or the theatre play "Notre Dame de Paris" (or those who read the book) will surely feel the weird feeling that captures you right after entering the cathedral. It makes you whisper secretly "How can human beings create such a thing with such beauty?" to yourself... My experiences leave me wordless since with no word can I explain it properly.

Keep Notre Dame in your Must-See list and make sure you go there!

Here are some pictures from my own camera:

A shot from the ceremony moments 

The charming atmosphere I mentioned

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