Have a problem about speaking foreign languages of different countries? Here we go then!

by - 10:57 pm

Today I've found a great mobile application - Voice Translator Free (Well, there are loads with the same name, so choose the purple looking one!)

One of my colleagues showed us this app today - which is absolutely great!

Working really well. We tried to use the English-Turkish one - and the outcome was perfect.

Considering the Siri we all have in our iPhones (sorry for the others, I only know iPhone as I have one), this new app is way too better. Whenever I try to type a text message using my voice, the Siri has always but always been a useless feature, since probably I cannot pronounce the English words properly (All lie, I actually do pronounce them OK. I'll show you how.)

But today, when I used this app and built up sentences which were in English, the app has been able to translate them to Turkish PERFECTLY. No mistake at all. So it doesn't really matter how I pronounce the words, an app like this can easily translate it to another language - even to Turkish, which is not a very common language and has very complicated grammar rules - which makes it harder for a translator!

Good app - very helpful - a saviour for those who travel a lot and can't speak English well...

Personally, I've directly sent the app to my dad so that he won't keep using me as a translator when we're abroad!!!

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