Introduction to AMSTERDAM

by - 9:54 am

Me, in front of the famous "I amsterdam"
around the Museumplein 

Hello! After such a long time, I thought it would be nice to write more about my travels, though I am really unable to find proper time to write my blogs anymore.
I have so many things in my mind, but not so much time to write them down so that I can share them all here, in my blog.
I will go on writing about Paris, which is my favourite city that includes great art history and architectural perfection, but before that, I would really love to write about my Amsterdam experiences - as they all are so fresh and unforgettable!

As most of you has already heard, Amsterdam is just a great place to live, to hang out, to travel to, and to... well, it is just great for everything. I spent only four days in Amsterdam, and I would not recommend you more than that. It is such a small city, and you will find a couple of things to do at nights and days. But yet, it was great to get into that atmosphere where everyone is happy and smiling during the day!

Me, having a break by a cannal
Once, I had heard that Hollanders seem always happy in general, and was wondering whether it is a true fact or not. It DEFINITELY is. Even my friend, whom I travelled there with, did a comment about the city and said "Julie, did you ever realise that people here are always happy and always smiling. They all are doing their jobs as they love it very much and do not seem tired of working as we all do in Turkey." And right then I looked around. Yes, it was definitely like that. They ARE happy. When you come close to ask something or to order a drink, food or further, they just smile and try to help you. They all are so lovely!
After my visit to Amsterdam, I decided that, one day, when I feel ready for it, I will definitely go and settle there to spend a period of my life. Pure happiness and eternal peace... That is all I can say to describe the city!

And what's more? Beautiful people! They all are so well-created. Blondier than ever. OK, this may not be counted as a symptom of beauty, but their faces are so well-created and so beautiful, there is no way you can deny that they are good-looking.

There are countless things to tell about the city of freedom - it is how I explain it! And I will try my best to reveal its most beautiful and loveliest sides to you readers.

Last words for the first text about Amsterdam: If you have never been to Amsterdam, it would be the first thing I would recommend you to do, before you go anywhere else! 

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  1. hello! I love your blog! I think it's amazing that you have had the chance to travel around the world. I was wondering, how did you have enough money to do so?
    I'm a college student in America, and I would LOVE to travel to Europe. I know my sister has gone before and she stayed at Hostiles to save money.
    Maybe you could write a blog post about how you survived with money and such? Unless money for you was not an issue.

    Best Wishes!

  2. Hi Mary! Thanks for your comment! I travelled to a few countries but yet there are many others I haven't had any chances to go. My next destination will be America or Canada I guess, because just like you desire to see Europe, which is far from where you live, I want to see America and Canada since your continent seems like another world to me.
    Thank you for your advises. I think it's a good idea, I will write about my expenses and further on my next posts.
    I started working and earning my own money 1 year ago, so before that, I was using my family's money when I was a college student too, and they gave me a huge economical support during all my travels. Only in Amsterdam, I spent my own money. I spent nearly $1.700 within 4 days. I know it's too much for a college student - for a working woman too actually - but it was definitely worth it! And keep that in mind: Europe is much more expensive than America. It really is! So you'll need to save a good amount of money before you travel there.

    I hope you'll find my blog useful and keep following my posts. I'd love that :-)
    Take care


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